
September 26,2022
  1. Peanut Allergy
  2. Over The Counter Allergy Treatments
  3. Asthma
  4. Allergies

01. Peanut Allergy

It’s true: There are more kids with peanut allergies now than there used to be. Some estimates suggest that nearly 1% of all kids are allergic to peanuts, and that the number tripled between 1997 and 2008. In fact, all allergies are increasing, and some form of food allergy now affects nearly 1 in every 13 kids.

We don’t know exactly why peanut (and other food) allergies are on the rise. This is an area of active research, and one theory suggests it may be because we live in such a clean, germ-free environment. Allergic reactions are basically over-reactions of our immune system. So, for genetically susceptible people, the idea goes that our immune systems may be acting-out – like bored kids – and treating peanut protein like a germ.

Reaction & Medication

Unfortunately, the result of this over-reaction can be severe. When peanut-allergic individuals ingest peanut, they develop a reaction that can range anywhere from itchy hives to a life-threatening drop in blood pressure, respiratory failure, and death. How severe a reaction will be is unpredictable. It may be different from the way the allergic person has reacted in the past.

02. Over The Counter Allergy Treatments

It’s true: There are more kids with peanut allergies now than there used to be. Some estimates suggest that nearly 1% of all kids are allergic to peanuts, and that the number tripled between 1997 and 2008. In fact, all allergies are increasing, and some form of food allergy now affects nearly 1 in every 13 kids.

We don’t know exactly why peanut (and other food) allergies are on the rise. This is an area of active research, and one theory suggests it may be because we live in such a clean, germ-free environment. Allergic reactions are basically over-reactions of our immune system. So, for genetically susceptible people, the idea goes that our immune systems may be acting-out – like bored kids – and treating peanut protein like a germ.

Reaction & Medication

Unfortunately, the result of this over-reaction can be severe. When peanut-allergic individuals ingest peanut, they develop a reaction that can range anywhere from itchy hives to a life-threatening drop in blood pressure, respiratory failure, and death. How severe a reaction will be is unpredictable. It may be different from the way the allergic person has reacted in the past.

03. Asthma

It’s true: There are more kids with peanut allergies now than there used to be. Some estimates suggest that nearly 1% of all kids are allergic to peanuts, and that the number tripled between 1997 and 2008. In fact, all allergies are increasing, and some form of food allergy now affects nearly 1 in every 13 kids.

We don’t know exactly why peanut (and other food) allergies are on the rise. This is an area of active research, and one theory suggests it may be because we live in such a clean, germ-free environment. Allergic reactions are basically over-reactions of our immune system. So, for genetically susceptible people, the idea goes that our immune systems may be acting-out – like bored kids – and treating peanut protein like a germ.

Reaction & Medication

Unfortunately, the result of this over-reaction can be severe. When peanut-allergic individuals ingest peanut, they develop a reaction that can range anywhere from itchy hives to a life-threatening drop in blood pressure, respiratory failure, and death. How severe a reaction will be is unpredictable. It may be different from the way the allergic person has reacted in the past.

04. Allergies

It’s true: There are more kids with peanut allergies now than there used to be. Some estimates suggest that nearly 1% of all kids are allergic to peanuts, and that the number tripled between 1997 and 2008. In fact, all allergies are increasing, and some form of food allergy now affects nearly 1 in every 13 kids.

We don’t know exactly why peanut (and other food) allergies are on the rise. This is an area of active research, and one theory suggests it may be because we live in such a clean, germ-free environment. Allergic reactions are basically over-reactions of our immune system. So, for genetically susceptible people, the idea goes that our immune systems may be acting-out – like bored kids – and treating peanut protein like a germ.

Reaction & Medication

Unfortunately, the result of this over-reaction can be severe. When peanut-allergic individuals ingest peanut, they develop a reaction that can range anywhere from itchy hives to a life-threatening drop in blood pressure, respiratory failure, and death. How severe a reaction will be is unpredictable. It may be different from the way the allergic person has reacted in the past.

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