Protect Your Kids From Drowning

August 07,2023 | Uncategorized

Learning how to swim is an important life skill for every child, not to forget to mention a fun way for them to stay active and cool during the hot weather! Swimming is a skill that can prevent drowning and an opportunity for your child to learn water survival techniques. A typical class for children will teach them how to float, how to return to the surface when underwater, how to hold their breath, and swimming methods. We always suggest finding an instructor who is experienced and certified to teach your kids these essential skills. You’ll also want to make sure that when your child is learning, there are lifeguards on watch who can perform CPR if needed.

Most children can begin lessons after they are 12 months old. Before then, babies are unable to raise their heads out of the water to develop breathing techniques. After 12 months, a water

play class for toddlers can help them become accustomed to the water. However, keep in mind

that physical development and emotional maturity are factors to consider as well and your child should start learning how to swim when they’re ready. Typically, this is by the time they’re 4 years old.

If your child has special needs or autism, you may have concerns about them taking a swim class. However, these children are more at risk for drowning accidents and water-related injuries. A swim class can help ensure their safety and there are programs that are specifically designed for children with special needs. These are worth exploring when looking to enroll your child in an instructional swim course.

When kids are learning or are in the pool before they’re experienced, they should always wear a properly fitted lifejacket that they cannot slip out of. Lifejackets should also be worn when near the water or during any boating activity. Make sure there is an adult on watch at all times when near or in the water. It’s important that there is close supervision for children who are unable to swim yet.

The key to drowning prevention is having as many layers of protection as possible. If you have a

pool at your house, it’s crucial that it’s securely fenced. The fence should be at least 4 feet

tall and should have no openings where a child can slip through. That means that the slats should also not be more than 4 inches wide nor should the fence be easy for kids to climb over. Keep the latch on the gate locked and install an alarm for further protection.

Young children under age 4 are at a higher risk of drowning. They tend to be curious when they see water and can get close to it, putting themselves in danger of accidentally falling in. Always keep young kids away from water if there’s no supervision around and never allow them to go outside alone.

If you notice your child is missing, make sure to check the pool first and then the car. Both of

these situations are dangerous and time is of essence.

Swimming is a fun sport during the summer but it does not come without risks. Taking all of these precautions and enrolling your child in a class can help keep them safe and have a great time in the water!

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