2 Month Visit

November 02,2022

At Peninsula Pediatrics, we don’t just help your children when they’re sick; we help them, and your whole family, stay well all the time.

At this point it is likely that your baby has started to smile and coo. They have also started to follow your movements a bit more. You may even be getting a 4 hour stretch of sleep at night! Your baby will be starting to hold their head up for brief periods as well.

Pre-visit Questionnaire

Before your visit, you will receive a link to the following questionnaires 

Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Screen:  At Peninsula Pediatrics, we care deeply about the health of your entire family unit. Ten to twenty percent of women experience postpartum depression or anxiety in the postpartum period. This can be hard to talk about. By screening all our patients, we are trying to eliminate any stigma and provide you with the opportunity to discuss your feelings in a nonjudgmental setting. ALL Peninsula Parents receive this questionnaire at the 5 week, 2,4, and 6 month visits. To learn more about postpartum depression/anxiety click here. 

PEDS-DM: This questionnaire is a standardized developmental screening that you will receive at all your little one’s well visits from ages 5 weeks to 5 years.

At this visit you should expect your child to

  • Have their weight, length, and head circumference measured
  • Have a complete physical exam


The 2,4, and 6 month vaccines are identical. They are what is called your child’s primary series. 

Pentacel-This vaccine protects against  DTap, Polio and haemophilus influenzae

Prevenar- This vaccine protects against Pneumococcal disease

Rotavirus- This is an oral vaccine that protects against Rotavirus.

Vaccine Reactions

Most babies do well after vaccinations. You may notice that your little one is having looser or greener stools for up to a week. There is no intervention needed. 

 A small percentage may develop fevers, fussiness or redness/swelling at the injection site. For redness or swelling, you can apply cool compresses to the area for soothing. For fussiness or fever (temperature above 100.4 F) you can give your little one some acetaminophen. All dosing in pediatrics is weight based. You can find the dosing chart here.

Vaccine reactions can last up to 72 hours after vaccination. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us.

Safety and parenting tips

  • Your little one is starting to stay awake for longer periods. They are starting to coo and smile, cuddle and hug. You cannot “spoil” a baby by singing, cuddling, holding, rocking, and talking and singing with them. These interactions during quiet awake periods strengthen the bond between you and your little one.
  • Some children in this age group have started to sleep longer at night. However, it is normal for babies this age to wake 2-3 times a night to feed. You should follow your baby’s cues and feed them when they are hungry.
  • This is a good age to start a bedtime routine. It can be simple and should work for your family. By repeating your bedtime routine nightly, this will become a cue to your little one that it is time to sleep.
  • Continue practicing tummy time with your little one. As you go through your day, narrate your day to your little one. Sing and talk with them. You may notice that the cooing sounds like conversation and you can practice turn taking with your little one. This is a fun experience for parents and babies!

When is my little one’s next visit?

The next visit is in 2 months when your little one is 4 months old.

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